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Friday 5 October 2012

Annoying Things About Aaron

.. Because not everything had a silver lining...

1. His inability to lift the toilet seat and put it down afterwards. leaving a piss puddle and sometimes not flushing the toilet after him

2. His nose picking and wiping it under the cushion when he things i wasn't watching

3. His leaving of dirty underwear in the hallway ready for me to pick them up to wash them

4. His moods in the mornings, especially after a weekend. and when he needed to go to school

5. The amount of toothpaste that he used in one sitting

6. His calling me a bastard, when ever i won the argument

7. For that matter, his arguments about stupid things like how much milk he didn't have on his cereal.

8. Stealing all the duvet half way through the night. Then having a go at me for getting some back.

9. His farting in bed.

10. His skiving off school. just to be with me. and no matter how much i told him. he wouldn't go to school at all.

11. His spitting, not in the house. outside in the street.

12. His inability to realise that he cannot show me love in public and when i said no, he would go off in a strop for 30 mins or so and then come back.

13. His slamming of doors when he is mad or angry

14. His constant begging for money (£5 quid here £5 quid there) and not telling me why he needed it.

15. When he just sat there and starred into space and not tell me what was wrong.

16. His often sarcastic outbursts. which i do now find funny.

17. His constant change of mind. i cook him dinner. then he doesn't want what i prepared.

18. His sticking his feet in my mouth in the middle of the night when he couldn't orientate his body to the bed properly.

19. His lying when he was in trouble and not telling me BEFORE the letter or the knock at the door.

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