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Monday 1 October 2012

Dear Aaron

Hiya Aaron, hope all is well back in England. I miss you so much. At this moment in time i am at base camp in *** ** ***** Iraq. Yesterday we took a load of supplies to another base and it was a shit day. Took us 5 hours to drive 10 miles. lots of bombs and stupid people making us pissed off.

I know its late, but happy birthday. i would have written sooner, but Royal Mail isn't exactly based out here with us. it takes forever to send something back to England from out here. And they do read what we write so i can't even tell you what i am thinking right now.

Apart from that. its bloody hot out here. i am getting sick of sand. its sand everywhere. in my boots, in my food, on my face and in my clothes. pitty there is not sea here. it would make this sand so much more tollerable. the food is not so great either. i am starting to miss fish and chips. all i get to eat is ration pack meals and sometimes something different. i am getting a good tan though. nice and brown now. just to make you jealous.

well. soon i will be getting some RR. and maybe able to come back to England soon. but only for a week or so. i will try and phone you. if i get the chance. well. must go now. i got to go and clean the toilets. nice job, not. but it gets me extra money every month. well Aaron, i will be back soon. i miss you so much. and i hope to be back again and see your smile again.

Lots of Love

Dad. (ha.)

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