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Monday 1 October 2012

Dear Azza

Hi, i have some bad news. i am ok. i dont know if you heard. but today, a dear friend of mine died when he was blown up next to my truck. we were on our way to **** *** **** and we came across some rubble.. and the IED team.. um.. bomb disposal people.. were searching this rubble.. and we were sat in the truck. and my co driver, a mate sat next to me got out of the truck and stood on a anti tank mine next to the door. and he died. i am in hospital at moment. i am ok. i swear. dont, please dont cry. i am all here. nothing missing. i just got a few cuts on my face. i was saved by an armour plating thing that deflected the blast away from me. i am only in hospital being looked at just in case. i know you wont understand. but i have changed. Iraq has finally changed me. i still love you. i always will. but i am now scared i may never come home. well. maybe i will. i will see if this will send me home for good. i will talk to you on Sat phone. ok.

i just wanted to prepare you. i may not be a pretty as i was. i have no mirror here to see what damage has been done. i miss you. i will be home soon.


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