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Friday 5 October 2012

Love Letter From Aaron 4.

To ****

I have been wanting to talk to you for so long. You are all thats on my mind. I just cant get myself to pick up that phone and call you, I dont want to be dissapointed if you are gonna tell me all the tings that I dont wanna hear..

I am still in love with you...

The smell of ur skin lingers in my thoughts. Ur taste is still on the tip of my tongue, yes I have loved before, but never was I as smitten with ones personality, laugh & smile.

I am here... missing you...

I sit here day after day. Missing you. Thinking about you. I have flashbacks every other minute.. I see us in ur car, driving around. I look down to see ur hand holding mines. We are so close, yet so very far away from eachother. I see us smiling. Sitting on the sofa.. you saying you got cold hands and fighting me to keep dem warm for you (You NERD!!!!!) I see you sitting infront of me as I rub & massage ur back.. God I wish I could go back and hold you... touch you likkle longer... I see us laying on the sofa... kissing for as long as I can ever remember kissing a person in my entire life... the music plays in the background.. a song that has new meaning in my life.. but just like Ghost.. ours was a sad end.

I long for you...

I refuse to believe it was my imagination and I dont understand why you dont think I am worth a say. I see myself waiting for you.. anxious to go outside.. nervous because I was worried I'd be turned off in any way.. Just because you dont look like what I "usually" like, everything changed from the first moment I saw you, ur smile was enough..
Now I sit here.. longing to see you smile..


After two nights I was already fed up with being smothered... and I wished you would leave already.. I made some stupid remark about me wanting to sleep alone in the bed.. I hated myself after that.. I have been waiting to share my bed with you all my life.. and now I had to go and open my big mouth... you left... I realised that all I wanted was to be in your presence because when I was.. I could feel you... I could laugh.. I could finally be me.. in ur presence I feel free...I feel loved.. I feel like I can take on anything.

I love you


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