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Monday 1 October 2012

Movies That Made Aaron Laugh

And The Best One... Link Only...

(Laugh) "No Moms gonna do the turkey, yeah dad wants them from fraser, so i guess we gotta get those marshmellows.. and i'll do the cresset rolls and you do the cranberry.. you know i can't cook (laugh)"


"... Yeah, well i will see you tomorrow then.. Gobble Gobble (turkey noises) (Laugh) Oh bye bye"

(Looks at man)

"Welcome to Marathon Can I help you?"


"How may I help you?"

"You can start by wiping that fucking dumbass smile off your rosey fucking cheeks.. Then you can give me a fucking automobile.. A fucking Datsun A fucking Toyota A fucking Mustang.. A fucking Buick.. Four fucking wheels .. and a seat.. "

"I really dont care for the way you are speaking to me"

"And i dont really care for the way your company left me in the middle of fucking nowhere with fucking keys to a fucking car that wasn't fucking there.. and i really didn't care to fucking walk down a fucking highway.. and across a fucking runway to get back here to have you smile at my fucking face.. I want a fucking car right fucking now!"

"May i see your rental agreement?"

"I threw it away!"

"Oh Boy!"

"Oh boy what?"

"You're Fucked!"


Fight Club

Ok, you are now firing a gun at 400 gallons of nitro glycerene!

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