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Monday 1 October 2012

Our Wedding Vows

I Aaron **** ******* Do take you **** ****** as my official wedded boyfriend. To always be there for you. In sickness and in health. To never cheat, To never harm, or allow to be harmed. To promise eternal love and harmony. To help and support. What ever life has to throw at us, good or bad, i will always be by your side. I promise to ensure that our time together will be respectful of our wishes. may god bless this union. forever.

I **** ****** Do take thee Aaron, To be my official wedded boyfriend. In sickness and in health, together forever. To love and protect, to never harm or bring harm upon you. To always be there by your side. To respect your wishes. To be faithful and always caring. To help and support you. To ensure your life be full of happiness. may god bless this union forever.

We promise, swear on our own lives. That should this union, come upon troubled times. should this union last until we be dead. should this union, fall into sickness. should this union be used against us, in the world of narrow minded persons.. that we will remain loyal and loving and caring. respectful, passionate and honourable. To never part with a bad memory. to always cherish the good times that we shared. If that is what we should decide on in our future together. May we remain a loving couple together. forever. no matter what happens. always friends.

Place ring on Aaron, Aaron places ring on me.

(now kiss each other)

Strive to eternal happiness, love and let us be a couple, bonded by marriage, as long as there is life in our bodies.. we promise to die together. hand in hand. arm in arm.

(we now drink the red wine, Aaron sips the wine.. passes it to me.. i sip the wine)

I bare the cross of Christ on your forehead

(I make the sign of the cross with the wine on Aarons forehead)

I bare the cross of Christ on your forehead

(Aaron makes the sign of the cross on my forehead with the wine.)

Then we say the following prayer.

Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us.
To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us.
We ask for words both kind and loving, and for hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.Dear Lord, we put our marriage into Your hands.

We thank You, O God, for the love You have implanted in our hearts.
May it always inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feelings, and concerned for each others needs and wishes. Help us to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings. Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your prudence guide our life and love. Bless our marriage, O God, with peace and happiness, and make our Love fruitful for Your glory and our joy both here and in eternity.

Then me and Aaron kiss once more.. and we now lay together and hug each other until the sun sets.

Our wedding complete. 

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