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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Old MacDonald

There was this Irishman who was trying to sell some farm land. He posted out his advert in the International paper and a few people from all over the farming world responded. So the Irishman invited them all to his house and when they arrived he said to them both....

"Seeing how there are a few of you who want this land, i will give you all a riddle and you must solve this riddle. Its quiet simple, fill in the missing word and spell it"

They all agreed

"Ok, here we go... Old MacDonald Had a __________ What?" asked the Irishman.

Well the English farmer went first...

"I knew a Mc Donald back in the 40's and he was a property manager and I think the missing word is Estate... spelt E-S-T-A-T-E"

The American Rancher said...

"No No No No No, I knew an old rancher back in Texas who was called Mac Donald and he bread Stalions... I think the missing word is Ranch R-A-N-C-H"

The Indian Cotton Picker said

"No, I Knew a man called Mc Donald who was a Rice grower and he was a millionaire who grew rice for all the world. I think the word is Store S-T-O-R-E"

The Welsh Sheep farmer went next

"I knew a Macdonald that owned a sheep farm up in the hills of Wales and he owned a big cotton mill so i think the word is mill M-I-L-L"

An African Goat farmer went next

"I knew a Mac donald that owned a well in Nigeria I think the word is Well W-E-L-L"

Lastly a Chinese Chicken farmer went on to say

"I knew a Mac Donald that owned a Chinese Herbal Remedy shop in Hong Kong and he made his own medicine so i think the word is Pharmacy P-H-A-R-M-A-C-Y"

Well the Irishman listened to all the answers and nodded with approval with all their attempts before he said...

"Excellent choices my fellow gents but you are all wrong. the line goes...
Scroll down

"Old Mac Donald had a FARM.... Spelt E-I-E-I-O"

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