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Monday 1 October 2012

Hey Azza,

How is my favorite "Old Man" doing (lol) ? Well, me I doing okay I guess. You might have heard Tony Blair talk about all the Iraqi soldiers that will be trained by the end of this year. Well, I'm one of the instructors of this training, just giving them some driving lessons LOL. I have a squad of non-English speak people (one is an ex-Iraqi general who speaks a little English). We have translators that help out but a times it gets crazy when they start asking questions all at the same time. I'll take some pictures of us so you can see my 1st squad. It pretty cool but I feel bad for some of these people because for starters we have no real reason to be in their country. And now we are trying to make up for the things we did when we 1st got over here. They have to sign the wack contract saying that they will help us no matter what. Its sort of messed up for them. I can only pray that God forgives us for the way we treated some of these people. Well Azza, I hope everything is going okay with you all. I love you and miss you dearly.

Love Ya

Your Dad (ha)

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