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Friday 5 October 2012

The Morning Ritual

07.00 Hrs - Monday - School Day.

"Come on Aaron, its time to get up"
"Go away"
"Nope, come on! Wake up, No point having an alarm clock if you just turn it off again"
"I said, go away. Are you deaf?"

I pull back the duvet

"Oh fucking hell, piss off"
"Nope, Come on lazy head. School is starting soon"

I then pull his arm and then he sits up and grabs the duvet cover. looks over at me with eyes still half shut. yawns, looks around for a few seconds then just before he even thinks about resting his head again... i take the duvet away, hand him his dressing gown and say..

"Bathroom, now"

*muttering, swearing, chuntering

"Ok! Ok! Yeah! I am up!"

Then i have to wait till he comes back in, and watch him start to dress to ensure he dont just get back into bed again.

Boys! Ha!

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