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Friday 5 October 2012

What Love Means By Aaron

true love means being with someone and trust especially with someone you really care about no matter who or what you are. True love is a powerful connection between two people that cannot be broken. What i don't like is the fact that many people think that love is about sex almost all the time. if you ever fall in love with somebody, just think about what love really means to you
Falling in love is the most beautifull thing in the world. When your in love, you start to see who you are and feel like you are with someone to fall in love with and make life with by starting your own family. Love is simply is what it is. If you find it, dont be a fool and let it go. Remember that love means being together, gentle, caring and affectionate whether it`s in health or sickness. Love also means being faithful, serious and truthful whether you have been together for many years or just starting out. Love also means simply being there for each other whether it`s during good times or bad. Most of all to me love means enjoying each other`s company whether you are poor or wealthy, also being a man or woman enough and tell your partner you love her or him whether or not you are both young and healthy or old and grey. AND PLEASE MEAN IT OK!

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