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Friday 5 October 2012

What Love Means To Me

To smell, to taste, to see, to hear,
And to feel, are all senses we share,
Just like our love
These are gifts giving to us
From far up above

For love, it is a feeling hard to explain,
But not so hard to share or to show

Some say it is not real, for they are not sincere
Or truly do not know the meaning of love
Some say it is only a fantasy,
For they will never know what true love really is
And for some, they say, love is just a word
I believe and know love is more then just this

I believe love holds true value and meaning
And for that I believe, Love is,
An emotion that only ones heart can see,
A passion when held in ones arms,
The warmth of ones kiss that is not missed,
The beating of two hearts in a melody
To me, all this is what love means

Hearing the words of, I love you,
Are far to often misused
And the words, I love you, being misused,
Is like your heart is being abused

For if you believe in love, you will have
No doubt for someone you care about

Love too, works in many special ways
For if you have patience for someone
You care about; things will work its self out
And if you push or test your patience with love,
Then, there is no love that was met to be

Now, as I leave you with this to think about,
I only pray, you will figure out,
What true love means and what is met to be
Then feel it with another, whom you love

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